Sabbath School Study Hour
Located in the main sanctuary, this Sabbath school lesson study is typically presented by one of our pastors. Because this study is filmed for live-streaming and broadcast, there is minimal class interaction.
Located in the fellowship hall, this Sabbath school lesson study is a smaller, more interactive group. It follows more of a discussion format which allows attendees to freely participate in the study.
One of the most challenging times in a person’s life is the teenage years. Bombarded from all directions, high school aged teens need a place to belong and feel accepted, as well as figure out what they believe and why. This Sabbath school class will help them navigate through life and draw closer to God.
Young adult Collegiate
No longer a teenager, not quite identified as an adult, young adults still feel the need to be surrounded by their peers when pondering on life’s challenges. This Sabbath school class will not only empower them to be grounded in their beliefs, but also to stand up and take initiative, and to get involved in their church and local community.
From birth to four years is the time to establish a solid foundation for the future generation. Each quarter, this Sabbath school classroom transforms into a theme that will stimulate all senses of a child’s early education. The entire lesson is taught with the aid of many props that bring the stories of the Bible to life.
A time to learn and absorb, to build relationships and friendships, the kindergarten Sabbath school class will teach the beloved stories of the Bible that every adult remembers learning, while providing a community to grow in. Meaningful crafts and activities will help solidify the lessons being learned.
From the first to the fourth grade, children are now beginning to question and test what they are learning. This Sabbath school class provides a way for kids to not only learn the Bible truths, but genuinely question and learn by example from their teachers and parents.
Fifth to eight graders know the Bible stories, they’ve been learning them for the past 10+ years. But do they really know them? This Sabbath school digs deeper into the Bible where the children become Bible students, not only listening to the teachers, but actively participating in discussions.