“For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”
Galatians 5:13

“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10



Sabbath School Study Hour

Located in the main sanctuary, this Sabbath school lesson study is typically presented by one of our pastors. Because this study is filmed for live-streaming and broadcast, there is minimal class interaction.


Located in the fellowship hall, this Sabbath school lesson study is a smaller, more interactive group. It follows more of a discussion format which allows attendees to freely participate in the study.




One of the most challenging times in a person’s life is the teenage years. Bombarded from all directions, high school aged teens need a place to belong and feel accepted, as well as figure out what they believe and why. This Sabbath school class will help them navigate through life and draw closer to God.

Young adult Collegiate

No longer a teenager, not quite identified as an adult, young adults still feel the need to be surrounded by their peers when pondering on life’s challenges. This Sabbath school class will not only empower them to be grounded in their beliefs, but also to stand up and take initiative, and to get involved in their church and local community.




From birth to four years is the time to establish a solid foundation for the future generation. Each quarter, this Sabbath school classroom transforms into a theme that will stimulate all senses of a child’s early education. The entire lesson is taught with the aid of many props that bring the stories of the Bible to life.


A time to learn and absorb, to build relationships and friendships, the kindergarten Sabbath school class will teach the beloved stories of the Bible that every adult remembers learning, while providing a community to grow in. Meaningful crafts and activities will help solidify the lessons being learned.


From the first to the fourth grade, children are now beginning to question and test what they are learning. This Sabbath school class provides a way for kids to not only learn the Bible truths, but genuinely question and learn by example from their teachers and parents.


Fifth to eight graders know the Bible stories, they’ve been learning them for the past 10+ years. But do they really know them? This Sabbath school digs deeper into the Bible where the children become Bible students, not only listening to the teachers, but actively participating in discussions.


Our media team helps deliver God’s message to the entire world, and you can be a part of that! Don’t have any training? No problem, we will train you! Don’t hesitate, fill out this form and join our team!


Every 3rd Sabbath of the month, if not coinciding with a major Church event, the Special Needs Ministry meets in the small fellowship room. Come join us!


“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor 10:31.

Granite Bay Health Ministries is dedicated to educating and inspiring members to healthy living that we may in all things glorify God. We aspire to healthy living through the eight laws of health: nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and trust in God. The GB Health Ministries offers health events, educational health nuggets, recipes, and more. Visit our page today to find out when our next event is happening!


“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.” Matt 28:19



Over the decade, the Granite Bay church family has been to several different countries for the sole purpose of reaching the world for Christ. Through evangelism, health, building, children’s ministry, and community outreach, members have not only made an impact in people’s lives, but have been able to see a transformation in their own lives.


Sometimes you only need to drive down the street or over to the next state to see the imminent needs of the community around. We’ve been able to help women’s homes, homeless communities, schools, churches, and Native Americans in our outreach and community missions efforts.


The distribution of religious books and the Word of God has always played a vital part in the Christian church.

The Waldenses of the Piedmont Valleys, in Italy, produced hand-written copies of the Bible–their greatest desire being to share its treasures with others. As itinerant merchants, they traveled from place to place in their Alpine valleys, and in the regions beyond. Wherever an interest was aroused they either sold or left portions of the Word of God, often at the price of their liberty or of their lives. Thus the seeds of the Reformation were sown.

At Granite Bay church, we believe in continuing this important tradition through the free distribution of religious literature. Once a month, members are encouraged and given the option of taking home a bag full of books containing the vital truth of God’s Word. Carrying them in their cars, purses, briefcases and more, they are then led by the Holy Spirit to share these books with those they come in contact with. A simple, yet powerful way of sharing the love of Christ in these last days.


Our Mission

To model Jesus Christ through meaningful and effective ministries.

How We Serve

  1. Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal.

  2. Build up women as persons of worth through nurturing, encouraging and uplifting one another.

  3. Connecting women through meaningful activities and events.

  4. Create opportunities for service amongst each other.

  5. Challenge women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community.

For more information, or to get involved, please email us: gbwministry@gmail.com


The objective of the Granite Bay Men’s Ministries is to disciple and equip the men in their roles as men of God, whether married, single, older, younger. We seek to do this through teaching, fellowship, and service; providing opportunity for fostering spiritual friendships and developing discipling relationships, so that men can grow in conformity to Christ, specifically in their roles as men.

The rationale for this is simple. Men have been given the key role in the Body of Christ. All believing men of the church, from pastoral staff to any believing man in the pew, have the responsibility to walk with Christ in obedience and grow in conformity to his image. Proverbs 27.17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” The principle given here is that men need the encouragement, teaching, fellowship, and modeling of the Christian life from other men.

For more information, or to get involved, please email us: office@granitebaysda.org



The Adventurer Club was created to give children ages 4-9 an opportunity to belong to an organized peer group. As children participate in various activities, they will improve their social skills as they engage in meaningful object lessons.

Why have an Adventurer program?

The Adventurer program is designed to support parents in assisting children with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ in today’s world.



Pathfinders is a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join the organization. Age range is 10 to 16 years old.