Although COVID-19 has halted many activities and services, construction is still considered essential and therefore we press on! We’ve been blessed that everyone on the construction team has been able to come to work each day.
As of March 31, 2020, the main structure is completed. About 90% of the stonework is completed as well, inside and outside of the building. We are now working on placing all the flooring, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and lights. Also, we’re running all of the audio and video infrastructure. The outside landscaping is also coming close to completion.
Our next steps are taping and painting.
We ask you to continue praying for the workers so they don’t get sick, as well as for the supply chains. We need them to stay open and available as some materials are hard to get since more and more business are closing.
Thank you for support this project and keeping it in your prayers!
The W.O.R.D. Center will exponentially impact our ability to communicate the gospel to a dying planet. Thank you for joining us as a partner in this world changing endeavor. Your prayerful, sacrificial commitment will positively impact the population of heaven.