Amazing Adventure
A Journey Through the Wilderness
FREE Bible Camp
July 15–19, 2024
8:30am - 12:00Pm
Join us for a new Amazing Adventure!
Are you ready for an unforgettable journey with Moses and the Israelites? Embark on an adventure through the wilderness, discovering God’s incredible power and love for his people!
We are thrilled to share this week-long adventure with kids between the ages of 5 and 12, uncovering wonderful ways God leads us through scripture, games, crafts, songs, snacks, and more!
The first hour of this VBS program will be recorded as an Amazing Facts special series. Pastor Doug Batchelor will be leading us through this adventure!
To enroll your child in this special program, please sign up using this release form and ensure to fill out the registration form below.
Hey parents!
We are excited to host another FREE Bible Camp for your children!
Please read carefully this additional information:
Without the previously signed release form, children will not be able to attend the main program.
On the first day, the children will receive a special shirt that must be worn every day. Make sure your children wear it every day!
As we assign your children into small groups, they will have the opportunity to not only make new friends but learn and help in their assigned mixed age group. Each group will be led by a trained team leader. With the help of their leader, the children will have the opportunity to learn about God’s love and deliverance of His people. The games and lessons will be something they all can learn and grow from together. We hope this will spark deeper spiritual conversations with you at the end of each day!
For safety reasons, only adults registered as volunteers will be permitted to remain on the church premises during program hours.
Parents of children with special needs, please sign up using the volunteer form (below the general registration form) if you need to accompany your child during the event.
Parents with children under 5 years old, please note that they are not currently able to attend the program. Please make appropriate arrangements to accompany your younger children outside of the church premises. This could be a wonderful opportunity for a playdate or some one-on-one time with your little ones.
Questions? Contact:
Registration Form
Thank you for offering your time and talents to help us teach about Jesus to the little ones!
While we cannot promise specific placement, please indicate the areas in which you could collaborate. Please provide your information in the form below and remember to sign the release form as well before submitting the form.
For underage volunteers, parents will need to sign the release form on their behalf.